Frequently asked questions

You can always check in with us about any question you have.  

Mitzi can tell you more about the foods we purchase.

Christina can answer your billing and payment questions.

What kinds of foods will I get?

We purchase foods wholesale from local farmers, vendors, and value-aligned organizations to bring you fantastic food that supports health and community. You can buy in at 3 levels:

Select the types of shares you want. Produce, proteins, whole grains, seasonings, and healthy fats are all available.

How does the pricing work?

All our prices are wholesale costs to us.   We purchase food for the number of people in our co-op in the week based on how many people have signed up and use that amount of money to purchase food.  If 10 people purchase $25 shares of food we have $250 to spend on produce.  We estimate we use $1/share to cover the costs of bags, packaging, credit card fees, and refrigeration.

You select your ability to support our solidarity commitments.  We offer three options for you with each purchase.

You can purchase once or make a weekly subscription to any share.  

When do I pick up my food and where?

Thursdays, 1 to 6 at our pop-up market at 316 Chadwick Ave.  

Do I have to subscribe?

No.  You can make a one-time purchase.  There is no fee or additional costs to subscribe and you can cancel at any time.